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  • PRP
  • Stem Cell Therapy
  • ACP
  • BMAC

Orthobiologics Knee

Orthobiologics refers to biological substances that are used to help heal injuries and conditions related to bones, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. In the context of knee treatments, several procedures utilize orthobiologics to promote healing and reduce pain.

Here are some common ones:

1) Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Injection:

PRP involves extracting a sample of the patient's blood, centrifuging it to concentrate the platelets, and then injecting this concentrated solution into the knee joint. Platelets contain growth factors that stimulate tissue repair and regeneration, aiding in the healing of knee injuries such as ligament sprains or mild osteoarthritis.

2) Stem Cell Therapy:

o Stem cell therapy utilizes stem cells, which are undifferentiated cells capable of transforming into various cell types, to promote tissue regeneration and repair. Stem cells can be harvested from the patient's own bone marrow or fat tissue and then injected into the knee joint to aid in the repair of damaged cartilage, ligaments, or tendons.

3) Hyaluronic Acid (HA) Injection:

Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance found in the synovial fluid of joints, where it acts as a lubricant and shock absorber. Injections of HA into the knee joint can help alleviate symptoms of osteoarthritis by providing additional lubrication and cushioning, reducing pain and improving joint function.

4) Amniotic Fluid Injection:

Amniotic fluid, collected from the amniotic sac of consenting donors after childbirth, contains various growth factors, cytokines, and proteins that can aid in tissue repair and reduce inflammation. Injection of amniotic fluid into the knee joint may help promote healing of damaged tissues and alleviate symptoms of osteoarthritis or other knee conditions.

5) Autologous Conditioned Plasma (ACP) Injection:

ACP involves processing a small amount of the patient's own blood to concentrate platelets and other healing factors. The resulting solution is then injected into the knee joint to stimulate tissue repair and reduce inflammation, similar to PRP therapy

6) Bone Marrow Aspirate (BMA) Injection

Bone marrow aspirate involves extracting a sample of bone marrow from the patient's hip bone or another suitable location. The bone marrow contains mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), which have the ability to differentiate into various cell types, including bone, cartilage, and fat cells. After extraction, the bone marrow sample is processed to concentrate the MSCs and other growth factors. The concentrated solution is then injected into the knee joint to promote tissue repair and regeneration. BMA injections are often used to treat conditions such as osteoarthritis, ligament injuries, and cartilage defects in the knee, aiming to improve joint function and reduce pain.


These orthobiologics procedures offer minimally invasive options for treating a range of knee conditions, with the goal of promoting healing, reducing pain, and improving overall joint function. However, the effectiveness of these treatments may vary depending on the specific condition being treated and the individual patient's response. It's essential to consult with a healthcare provider to determine the most suitable treatment approach for each case.


Dr. Manuj Wadhwa
Years Of - Experience 25 -

Dr. Manuj Wadhwa

Chairman & Executive Director Elite Institutes of Orthopedics & Joint Replacement
  • Ivy Hospitals, Punjab
  • Ojas Hospitals, Panchkula
Awards Wining Doctor
  • 2 Times World Book of Records
  • 7 Times Limca Book of Records
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