Busting the common myths around joint replacement
10 Common Myths about Joint Replacement
Joint replacement surgery is a life-changing procedure that can significantly improve mobility and quality of life. However, there are many misconceptions and myths surrounding this type of surgery that can cause unnecessary fear and confusion. Here, we will debunk 10 common myths about joint replacement, providing you with accurate information to help you make informed decisions about your health and treatment options. Whether you're considering joint replacement surgery for yourself or a loved one, understanding the facts is crucial for a successful outcome.
Myth #1: Surgery is the only way to solve knee or hip problem
Well, not really. Specialists prefer to try a number of non-surgical options first, including exercise, physical therapy, bracing, injections, medications – and weight loss, which can significantly reduce the pain.
Myth #2: I wish I had the procedure earlier. Now I’m probably too old for it.
Your doctor will help you decide whether or not the risks of joint replacement outweigh the potential benefits. Patients in the 75-90 age group generally benefit from knee or Hip replacement surgery. When looking at the benefits and recovery time, researchers found that they were about the same for people over 75 as for those ages 65 – 74.
Myth# 3: I’m too young for a hip or knee replacement
There are many factors to consider regarding the timing of joint replacement. While age is a consideration, it is not the only factor to consider. Traditionally joint replacement has been reserved for older adults in their 60s. Patients who benefit from joint replacement at a young age often have an unusually severe deformity that impairs functional mobility
Myth #4: Joint Replacements Don’t Last Long
There was a time when implants lasted only for 5-10 years. This information is true for those times, way back. Now, the advanced implants available last for 20-30 years. Even youngsters with severe knee pain can undergo total knee replacement now. In addition to that, the healthier you are, the faster your recovery from surgery. So, now is the best time!
Myth #5: Knee Replacement is just like the replacement of a kidney or liver. My whole knee will be removed and a new knee put.
That is not true at all. The whole knee is never replaced. Only worn-out articular surfaces of bones (usually 8-9 mm) are removed and replaced with artificial ones (implant). So, technically it is more of a “RESURFACING” or “REPAIR” rather than a “REPLACEMENT“.
Myth #6: It is a foreign body inserted into my body, it will get rejected
Truth: These artificial joints are made up of a special metal compatible with our body and can stay in the body forever without causing any side effects.
Myth #7: There will be excruciating pain after surgery
Every surgery is more or less painful, true. However, these days doctors use several approaches to manage pain. This has considerably brought down the pain levels that patients experience. Even the duration of pain is now limited to a few days.
Myth #8: Joint replacement surgery is not successful
Joint replacement is an effective treatment for worn-out or diseased joints. People who undergo this surgery are able to perform their daily activities comfortably and without pain. Research also showed that knee replacement surgery has a 95 % success rate in most patients.
Myth #9: I’ll have permanent restrictions following surgery
Walking, climbing stairs, cycling, swimming, all of this is allowed. In fact, patients are encouraged to take up all of these to make the joint more flexible after surgery. Contact games such as football and basketball should be avoided due to a higher chance of injuring the joint.
Myth #10: The costlier the implant and surgery, the better it is for me.
No, this is not true. Based on the condition of your knee and muscles, the most suitable implants are chosen by your doctor. These might be the most economical ones available in the market!
As for the surgery, the Indian government set up capping prices on knee replacement surgeries in 2017. Now, the surgeries cost 69% lesser than they used to.
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For more details and appointments, you may consult our expert surgeon, Dr. Manuj Wadhwa. To schedule an online appointment, please Contact Us In case of emergency, visit us.